I have created a simple table to demonstrate how to concatenate the values from multiple rows in to one column.
CREATE TABLE #tblProduct (product_Id INT IDENTITY(1,1), product_name VARCHAR(10))
Insert some sample records in to this temporary table
INSERT INTO #tblProduct (product_name) VALUES('AAA')
INSERT INTO #tblProduct (product_name) VALUES('BBB')
INSERT INTO #tblProduct (product_name) VALUES('CCC')
INSERT INTO #tblProduct (product_name) VALUES('DDD')
INSERT INTO #tblProduct (product_name) VALUES('EEE')
INSERT INTO #tblProduct (product_name) VALUES('FFF')
INSERT INTO #tblProduct (product_name) VALUES('GGG')
Once you have populated the table with data, Run this query to get the row values in to one column.
DECLARE @productarr VARCHAR(8000) SET @productarr = '' SELECT @productarr = @productarr + '"' + CAST(product_Id AS VARCHAR) + '",' FROM #TBLPRODUCT ORDER BY product_Id
SELECT LEFT(@productarr,LEN(@productarr)-1)
DROP TABLE #tblProduct
That’s all you have done with the job